Schiele, Maximilian. 2020. “Life satisfaction and return migration: analysing the role of life satisfaction for migrant return intentions in Germany.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies (
Chauvel, Louis & Schiele, Maximilian. 2021. “Sozioökonomische Ungleichheit und schulische Leistung bei Kindern mit Migrationshintergrund in Luxemburg.” Nationaler Bildungsbericht – Luxemburg
Kasrin Zein , Schiele Maximilian , Zabel Cordula. 2023. “Effekte der Förderungen im Rahmen des Teilhabenchancengesetzes auf die soziale Teilhabe der Geförderten: Erste Befunde.” Sozialer Fortschirtt (2023).
Schiele, Maximilian & Tübbicke, Stefan. 2023. “On The Effects of Active Labour Market Policies Among Individuals Reporting to Have Severe Mental Health Problems.” Social Policy and Administration (
Schiele, Maximilian. 2024″Gender and Asylum in Europe: A Quantitative Assessment on Gender Self-Selection and its Consequences for Asylum Acceptance Rates.” Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies (
Nadja Bömmel, Mustafa Coban, Maximilian Schiele, Kasrin Zein , Zabel Cordula, Claudia Wenzig, Joachim Wolf. 2024 ”From Welfare to Work: The Health and Material Well-Beeing Effects of Long-Term Employment Subsidies.” International Journal of Social Welfare (
Schiele, Maximilian. “Comparing the Effect of Socio-Economic Status on PISA Scores across Different Immigrant Minorities: Is the Effect of SES on Learning Outcomes due to the Home Enviroment or Home External Factors?” Under Review: International Journal of Educational Research.
Conferences & Workshops:
XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Toronto Convention Centre (Canada), 2018. Topic: Subjective Well-Being Differentials and the Decision of Migrants of Different Origin to Stay in the Host-Country: Evidence from Germany
IZA: Evaluation of Labor Market Policies: New Data and New Approaches, Sheffield University (United Kingdom), 2022: Combining administrative data with survey data for a two phase mathcing procedure
III/LIS: Comparative Economic Inequality Conference, London School of Economics (United Kingdom) 2023: Socio-economic inequality and intergenerational mobility for immigrants around the world
XX ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (Australia), 2023 : “Comparing the Effect of Socio-Economic Status on PISA Scores across Different Immigrant Minorities: Is the Effect of SES on Learning Outcomes due to the Home Enviroment or Home External Factors?”
ASA 118th Anual Meeting, Pennsylvania Convention Center (USA), 2023: “Analyzing Country-Level Factors of Gendered Selection of Asylum Seekers to Europe.”
Kleine Anfrage der Bundestagsfraktion DIE LINKE, 2022: Entwicklung des Regelinstuments zum sozialen Arbeitsmarkt im SGBII, Teilhabe am Arbeitsmarkt im Jahr 2021 sowie Ausblicke auf das aktuelle Jahr
Kleine Anfrage der Bundestagsfraktion AFD, 2022: Teilhabechancengesetz
Beratung des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales: Evaluation “Bürgergeld-Reform”, 2023: Vorstellung und Diskussion des Evaluationsprogramms des IAB